Shri Virjesh Upadhyay, an eminent Trade Unionist has taken over the Chairmanship of Dattopant Thengadi National Board for Workers Education and Development, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Govt. of India. Shri Upadhyay, has completed his Master degree and is Scholar in Human Resource Development. His field of specilisation is social economy and labour. He has vast experience in industry and trade union field. He is the member of Special Group on Labour Reforms in FICCI and CII. He has provided leadership in the trade union movements at Bhartiya Mazdoor Sangh as General Secretary, Public Sector Employees, Indian Telecom Employees, MTNL, Bhartiya Dak and many more organizations. He has visited Switzerland, Germany and France to represent the working population of the country in various International Fora. The Board will be immensely benefitted with his glorious presence as Chairman, DTNBWED.